- role
The core purpose of the MDT is to make a recommendation on eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare drawing on the multidisciplinary assessment of needs.
Multidisciplinary Team:
In accordance with regulations an MDT means a team consisting of at least:
Whilst as a minimum requirement an MDT can comprise two professionals from different healthcare professions, the MDT should usually include:
It is important that those contributing to this process have the relevant skills and knowledge.
It is best practice that where the individual concerned has, for example a learning disability, or a brain injury, someone with specialist knowledge of this client group is involved in the assessment process. Consideration should be given to the timeliness of the assessment, as it must be completed within 28 days.
The MDT works together to:
This process is known as a multidisciplinary assessment of eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare.
ICB responsibilities:
Standing Rules require that the ICB:
ICBs may use a number of approaches (e.g. face-to-face, video/tele conferencing etc.) to arranging MDT assessments in order to ensure active participation of all members as far as is possible.
Local Authority responsibilities:
Where the LA is consulted:
A local authority must, when requested to do so by a ICB:
The involvement of local authority colleagues, as well as health professionals in the assessment process, should facilitate the process of ongoing care planning and will make decision-making effective and consistent.
As with any assessments that are carried out, organisations are expected to fair and transparent and focus on individuals’ needs and not their circumstances.
How to involve the individual
The MDT should ensure that CHC assessment is person-centred, keeping the individual/their representative at the heart of the process throughout. It is vital that the individual’s experience of the process is as good as it can be, minimising the potential for dissatisfaction and complaint.
The MDT process is designed to be collaborative in order to fully consider and accurately reflect the individual’s needs in the DST. Assessing eligibility for CHC is not an adversarial process and MDT members should act accordingly.
There is no hierarchy in the MDT. All members should work collaboratively and share responsibility for the recommendation, recognising the different skills and knowledge of those involved.
No member of the MDT is individually responsible for the recommendation of the MDT.
The MDT recommendation must be based on a full consideration of the individual’s needs as evidenced by the written and verbal information provided, particularly from those who have direct knowledge of the individual. Sometimes it will be necessary to obtain additional evidence to ensure a full picture of the needs.
The MDT is required to make a recommendation and must apply the Primary Health Need test as set out in the National Framework (paragraphs 55 – 67).
Professional disagreements may well occur and can be very constructive but should be resolved in a spirit of collaboration. Where there continues to be disagreement this should be recorded in the DST.
The individual/their representative should not be drawn into a disagreement between professionals.
Once a recommendation has been agreed by an MDT no organisation or manager should change or dispute that recommendation afterwards unless this forms part of an agreed local dispute resolution procedure between the local authority and the ICB or constitutes a Framework-compliant application of the National Framework requirements regarding ICB verification of eligibility recommendations.
A good quality MDT assessment is the process of gathering relevant, accurate and up to date information about an individual`s health and social care needs.
As a minimum a good quality MDT assessment of an individual`s health and social care needs will be:
Framework compliant MDT meeting undertaken, including the individual / representative and relevant professionals
Assessment Prompts
MDT – ‘I was plonked in the corner’
MDT – ICB and LA not working collaboratively- ‘Felt like they were bargaining over me’
MDT – Didn’t know who the people in the room were- Difficulty expressing my personal needs
MDT – Not feeling part of the process- ‘Talking about me rather than talking to me’
Decision Support Tool (DST) completed and primary health need recommendation made by MDT
Primary Health Need
Coordinator to ensure that individual / representative is kept informed following MDT meeting